
Do you remember when you were filling out your exam forms, just minding your business trying to pass a class, and then all of a sudden your teacher decides to be a seed of Satan and stand right behind you and look at what you’re writing? Well trying to create something  ‘good’ for a bogus website on the spot, just because your trainer wants you to, feels the exact same way. Anxiety

Hello world!


Welcome into my head. If you want some inspirational quotes, some fashion advice or some originally written music, you have come to the wrong place, my friend. This blog will contain random posts, random pictures and if I decide to give any random advice, you need to think twice (maybe three times) before following it.

In the 25 years I have been running around this magic blue ball, I spend about two of them trying to set up a blog. I always backed down because it seemed like a lot of work. And also, there are so many blogger out there, another blog would just seem annoying. So ow did I get this one? I got a website, didn’t know what to do with it, a blog seemed like a safe bet.

Hope you enjoy the average, irrelevant and totally useless posts I will be writing. Yay mediocrity!

Just another WordPress site